





  • 文科核心
  • 39-44单位
  • 艺术311:艺术史1
  • 3

This is a survey course of Western art from the Prehistoric Period through the Renaissance, 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 博物馆参观, 和讨论. 这门课在春季学期每隔一年开一次.


  • 艺术312:艺术史II
  • 3

This course is a survey of Western art from the Renaissance up to the 20th century 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 参观及讨论博物馆. 这门课在春季学期每隔一年开一次.

  • 曾201:世界文学到文艺复兴
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking and 研究-based writing through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. 除了讲课和课堂讨论, the study of representative great works of Western and non-Western literature from Antiquity, 中世纪, 文艺复兴则强调文学, 文化, 以及这些文本的宗教意义. Co-requisite: 因此201年; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 201年曾 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 跨文化交际
  • 3

Social and 文化 variables in speech communication processes and strategies for resolving communication problems in inter文化 settings with an emphasis on variables such as perception, 角色, 语言代码, 非语言交际也将在本课程中进行研究.

  • HST 410:神话
  • 3

The reception of classical antiquity depends on both the stories the ancients told themselves, as well as their interpretation and reinscription in subsequent times and places. This course traces the debt moderns owe to the earliest recorded stories that shaped civilizations, both to appreciate the stories in their own historical context as well as consider the responses (both those that identify with antiquity and those that assume its alienation) of succeeding eras, culminating in critical consideration of contemporary 文化 evocation of the classical tradition. 先决条件: 因此201年 or 因此202年 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495:高级项目(1-3个单元)
  • 1

In this capstone course students will meet with an instructor once per week in order to formulate, 研究, 并为他们的书面项目讨论一个合适的主题. 主题必须是跨学科的, combining their emphasis within the major with another discipline within the major. 前提条件:文科专业和高年级.

  • MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures -OR- MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity
  • 3

MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures - This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal 文化 phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and 社会 aspects of folk, 传统的, 以及亚洲地区的艺术音乐, 非洲, 中东, 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和北美. 鼓励有音乐经验,但不是必需的.


MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity - This course will survey of the role, 发展, and function of music in the Christian church from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, 注意圣经, 神学, 社会, 文化方面的考虑. 提供隔年.

  • rel321:世界宗教
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian 宗教s will include motifs, 信仰模式, 仪式和崇拜, 道德, 社会模式, 起源与发展, 还有圣典.

  • THR 251:戏剧导论
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the various conventions, 形式, 风格, 以及戏剧的类型, including principles of play analysis and exploration of theatre criticism from dramaturgical, 文学, and 文化 perspectives through the thematic discussions of representative plays. 必要的实地考察可能需要额外收费.

  • 政治思想重点
  • 18个单位
  • HST/POL 412:美国.S. 宪法
  • 3

This course will look at the origins of the American political system from the end of the Seven Years' War through the Louisiana Purchase and Marbury vs. 麦迪逊, with a focusing on government under the 艺术icles of Confederation, 制宪会议, 批准的争议, 第一个政党制度, 杰斐逊对. 汉密尔顿式的政府管理方法. 提供隔年.

  • HST/POL 414:法院与宪法
  • 3

美国司法解释的发展历程.S. 宪法 from 1789 to the present will be examined in this course with an emphasis on the political, 社会, 文化, 以及最高法院关键判决的经济背景. The case study method will be used to introduce students to legal reasoning, 包括有争议的涉及种族的法庭裁决, 宗教, 性别, 以及政府权力的限制.

  • POL 304:大战略
  • 3

This course will explore the aspect of statecraft in international relations known as “grand strategy” from a theoretical and historical perspective. This course traces how statesmen have or have not marshalled and coordinated the political, 外交, 军事, 材料, 文化, 以及一个国家可用的道德资源, 为了实现, or fail 为了实现 long-term objectives in the international environment during war and peace.

  • POL 321:政治思想I:古代到近代早期
  • 3

This course will analyze the nuances and trace the 发展 of Western political thought from classical Greece to 17th century northern 欧洲 with attention given to the questions facing every generation concerning the nature of political association and the good society. Students will become familiar with each major political thinker, 他们写作的背景, 以及对思想史的影响.

  • POL 322:政治思想II:启蒙
  • 3

This course will analyze the nuances and trace the 发展 of Western political thought from the early Enlightenment (17th century) to the present with attention given to the questions facing every generation concerning the nature of political association and the good society. Students will become familiar with each major political thinker, 他们写作的背景, 以及他们对思想史的影响.

  • POL 413:美国的宗教与政治
  • 3

The role of 宗教 in American public life will be examined in this course with an emphasis on the interpretation and impact of the First Amendment and the concept of "separation of church and state" on religious and political life in the United States. 提供隔年.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.
